JRNY Support:
Website: https://support.jrny.com/
Email: jrnyplatform@bowflex.com
Create a ticket: https://bowflex.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/4
Direct Line: (800) 681-8853
Phone/ IVR: (800) 605-3369, opt 1
CTS/ In-Warranty:
Phone/ IVR: (800) 605-3369, opt 4
General/ Shipping & Ordering Support:
Phone/ IVR: (800) 605-3369, opt 3
Email: support@schwinnfitness.com
General/ Out of Warranty & Parts Support:
Phone/ IVR: (800) 605-3369, opt 5
Email: support@schwinnfitness.com
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